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Tibet permit for Taiwan people

Brief process for Taiwan Tourist applying for Tibet Travel Permits Document:

The mystical region of Tibet, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has long been a dream destination for adventurous travellers. For Taiwanese tourists eager to explore this enchanting land, securing a Tibet Travel Permit, known as “入藏函,” is an essential step in the journey. In this comprehensive essay, we will provide a detailed overview of the process involved in obtaining the Tibet Travel Permit for Taiwan residents, including the required documents, application timelines, and travel logistics.

Document Preparation

The Foundation of Your Journey To embark on your Tibetan adventure, you must begin by ensuring you have the necessary documents in order. These documents include:

  • A valid Taiwan identity card
  • A Taiwan passport with a minimum of six months validity remaining

Collaborating with a Reputable Travel Agency

Navigating the intricacies of Tibet’s entry requirements and planning a memorable itinerary can be a daunting task. Therefore, it is advisable to partner with a reliable travel agency specializing in Tibetan tours. Your collaboration should begin with providing the agency with essential details such as:

  • Your planned travel route to and from Tibet
  • Desired travel dates and duration
  • Preferred attractions and accommodation standards
  • The number of travellers in your group
  • Accurate contact information, including a Taiwan mobile phone number starting with +00886

The travel agency will leverage this information to craft a personalized quotation and itinerary for your approval.

Understanding Permit Application Processing Time

Obtaining a Tibet Entry Permit is a pivotal step in your journey. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the processing timeline:

  • Typically, local travel agencies require a minimum of eight working days to process a Tibet Entry Permit application.
  • If your itinerary includes a visit to the sacred Mount Kailash, additional processing days may be needed.
  • Keep in mind that weekends and the Tibet Tourism Bureau’s meeting schedule can impact processing times.
  • Note that certain attractions, such as the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, may currently be inaccessible to foreign tourists, so plan your itinerary accordingly.

Travel Choice – Train vs. Flight

Your mode of transportation to Tibet determines the type of permit you require:

  • Travelling by train to Tibet necessitates a colourful-printed permit for boarding.
  • If your journey involves flying to Lhasa, you must possess the original Tibet Travel Permit to board the flight.

Secure and Timely Permit Delivery

Once your Tibet Travel Permit is ready, the travel agency will facilitate its delivery. Consider the following:

  • Delivery typically takes three days to reach Chengdu and four days for major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.
  • To account for potential weather-related delays, allocate additional days for permit delivery.

Recommended Timing – Ensuring a Smooth Journey

For a seamless and stress-free Tibetan adventure, it is advisable to adhere to the following timeline:

  • Considering the 15-day processing time required by the local travel agency to obtain the permit, we recommend allowing at least 20 days in total to receive the Tibet Entry Permit before your planned travel date.

Embarking on a journey to Tibet is a dream come true for many travellers. It is a land of unparalleled beauty and spirituality, offering unique experiences that will leave you forever changed. By following the steps outlined in this guide, including meticulous document preparation, collaboration with a reputable travel agency, understanding processing timelines, and choosing the right transportation method, you can unlock the mystical charm of Tibet.

Please stay updated with the latest permit requirements and regulations, as these may change over time, ensuring a successful and unforgettable Tibetan adventure.

Tibet Travel Permits, also known as Tibet visas, are essential documents required for travelers from Taiwan who plan to visit Tibet in addition to holding a Chinese visa. These permits are crucial for gaining entry to Tibet and are subject to certain variations depending on the specific destinations travellers intend to visit within Tibet. The primary requirement for all travelers, including Taiwanese visitors, is to obtain a permit issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau.

Here are some key points to note regarding Tibet Travel Permits for Taiwanese travelers:

Mandatory for All Foreign Travelers:

  • It is mandatory for all foreign tourists, including those from Taiwan, to obtain a Tibet Travel Permit as an entry pass to visit Tibet. This requirement is imposed to ensure compliance with the regulations and guidelines set by the Chinese government and local Tibetan authorities.

Exemption for Hong Kong and Macao Residents:

  • Hong Kong and Macao residents who hold Chinese passports or return certificates are exempt from the Tibet Travel Permit requirement. However, this exemption does not apply to travelers from Taiwan.

Obtaining the Permit:

  • Most travellers, including those from Taiwan, can acquire their Tibet Travel Permits through authorized travel agencies. These agencies are well-versed in the application process and can assist travellers in obtaining the necessary permits.

Different Application Process for Certain Groups:

  • Diplomats, journalists, and government officials from Taiwan who plan to visit Tibet must follow a different application process. They are required to go through the Tibet Foreign Affairs Office to obtain the necessary permits.

Respecting Local Customs and Regulations:

  • During their visit to Tibet, travellers are expected to respect and adhere to the region’s unique ethnic traditions, cultural heritage, ecological protection measures, and traffic regulations. It is essential to be mindful of local customs and guidelines for a respectful and harmonious experience in Tibet.

Planning Ahead:

  • Travelers should be aware of Tibet’s limited reception capacity, which can affect the availability of accommodations and transportation. It is advisable to plan the trip well in advance, make necessary reservations, and ensure a comfortable and enjoyable visit.

In summary, travelers from Taiwan who intend to visit Tibet must secure a Tibet Travel Permit in addition to their Chinese visa. These permits are essential for entry into Tibet and can typically be obtained through authorized travel agencies. However, diplomats, journalists, and government officials from Taiwan have a distinct application process through the Tibet Foreign Affairs Office. Respecting local customs and adhering to regulations are important aspects of a successful and respectful visit to Tibet.

Tibet Permit for Taiwan People taiwan id crad china
Taiwan id crad china



  • 無論是台灣當地的遊客還是在中國大陸居住的台灣遊客,前往西藏旅行首先都需要辦理入藏函(Tibet Travel Permit),也叫做入藏證或入藏紙。
  • 根據相關規定,官方不接受遊客以個人名義提出的申請,因此必須通過有資質的西藏當地旅行社辦理。
  • 辦理入藏函需要提供“台胞證”。如果您還計畫前往聖母峰珠峰大本營、阿裡神山聖湖等地區,除了入藏函還需辦理其他旅行證件。
  • 經驗豐富的專業旅行顧問可以針對您的具體情況提供詳細的辦證指導。


  1. 只有持有外國護照的台灣遊客需要辦理進藏簽證,而中國大陸公民以及香港、澳門居民則無需辦理進藏簽證。
  2. 申請進藏簽證的手續相對簡單,您只需要將護照的復印件以及有關的個人信息交給為您辦理旅遊的旅行社,他們將代辦進藏簽證。
  3. 完成進藏簽證辦理後,旅行社將提供您一份旅藏確認函,只有憑此確認函才能購買機票或火車票,並隨團旅遊。
  4. 如果您計劃參加中國西藏旅遊網的旅遊團,您可以將護照的復印件傳真給他們,他們將為您辦理進藏手續。




  • 春季(3-5月):春季是拉薩最晴朗的季節之一,適合在大昭寺廣場、布達拉宮廣場或旅館的天臺享受陽光,也是前往羊八井泡溫泉和觀賞林芝地區的櫻花的好時節。
  • 夏季(6-8月):夏季是避暑的好季節,特別適合內地旅客前往拉薩。此時,納木錯湖已經解除冰封,湖泊美不勝收。
  • 秋季(9-11月):秋季的拉薩河水呈現出綠如藍的景色,與河邊的金黃色白楊樹相映成趣。夕陽時分,山脈也因陽光而金燦燦。此時還可以參加沐浴節和望果節等當地節慶。
  • 冬季(12-2月):冬季的拉薩氣溫大約在攝氏零上10度左右,陽光明媚,雪山壯觀,拉薩的聖城更具原汁原味,而藏歷新年的熱鬧氛圍也是吸引遊客的一大特色。








  1. 非中國公民身份證持有者,即中國臺灣的遊客。
  2. 非中國護照持有者,即外籍護照持有者。注意:海外華人,即使沒有中國護照,也需要辦理”入藏旅遊批準函”。




A. 準備所需的證件:臺胞證或臺胞卡。您可以提前35天將掃描件或照片發送給旅行社,內容必須完整清晰。

B. 提供進出藏的路線、行程時間、景點、接待標準和團隊人數,以及聯繫方式給旅行社。旅行社將根據具體行程提供該團隊的詳細報價,等待遊客確認。

C. 當團隊行程確認後,由旅行社統一辦理”入藏批準函”。辦理時間取決於具體行程內容,一般常規行程需要約20天左右進行審核和簽發。如果行程包括非開放地區(例如雅魯藏布大峽谷,目前對外賓未開放),則需要約35天左右的時間。為確保與遊客相關的機票、酒店、導遊和車輛等旅行安排順利,建議儘早辦理申請手續。

D. 一旦”入藏批準函”申請獲得批準,旅行社將根據團隊行程情況將證件送交給遊客。如果是搭乘火車進藏的團隊,只需提供”入藏批準函”的傳真件(影本)即可購票。如果是搭乘飛機進藏的團隊,旅行社需將”入藏批準函”的原件以快遞形式交給遊客,只有憑原件的團隊成員才能登機進藏。



  1. 只到拉薩、日喀則、納木錯景區的遊客:對於前往這些地區的遊客,只需要獲得一張外國人入藏批準函(Tibet Travel Permit),就可以前往旅行。
  2. 前往林芝(包括巴松錯)、桑耶寺、珠峰等景區:如果您計劃前往這些地區,除了入藏批準函外,還需要辦理外國人旅行證(Aliens’ Travel Permit)。官方收取費用為50元/人。
  3. 前往波密、然烏、山南(包括桑耶寺、昌珠寺、雍布拉康)、乃東、加查、朗縣、阿裏等邊境非開放地區:如果您計劃前往這些地區,還需要獲得軍區批件(Military Area Entry Permit)。辦理這一許可所需的時間約為半個月左右,因此,請提前20天以上進行團隊確認。
  4. 前往阿裏的托林寺、古格王朝遺址等地:如果您計劃前往這些地方,還需要獲得當地文物局的許可(a permit from the local Cultural Antiquities Department)。
  5. 禁區:一些地區,如山南(包括藏王墓、拉姆拉錯、40號冰川)、林芝(包括雅魯藏布大峽谷、南伊溝)、亞東、錯那、昌都等,對外賓不對外開放(No Entry)。



  1. 不需要事先進行特殊的身體鍛煉。高原反應與身體強壯無關,大多數人不需要刻意鍛煉。高原反應的程度因人而異,輕微的高反通常在1到2天內適應,而嚴重的高反需要立即就醫。如果您對高原反應感到擔憂,可以提前一個月開始輕度運動。
  2. 如果您感到高原反應,不要輕易洗頭洗澡。多休息,飲食清淡,多喝水,但避免飲用含酒精的飲料。不要急於進行高強度的活動。
  3. 有心臟病、呼吸系統疾病、癲癇、精神分裂症、未獲控制的糖尿病或嚴重感冒的人不建議前往西藏旅行。孕婦也應謹慎考慮前往西藏。
  4. 在西藏,手機信號通常良好,但在一些偏遠地區可能會有信號不穩定的情況。建議購買中國移動的手機號(臨時卡)以保持聯繫。
  5. 在尋找合適的車輛和司機時,請確保選擇合法營運的車輛。不要輕易選擇非法的“黑車”,因為這可能會帶來風險。


About the author

The Tibetan Travel website's creator, hailing from Lhasa, is a cultural enthusiast. They promote responsible tourism, connecting the world to Tibet's beauty and heritage. Awards recognize their contribution.

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