Embark on a journey to Pema Choeling Monastery, a sacred retreat at the base of Mount Suri in Sakya County. Discover the rich history, intricate art, and divine serenity of this ancient Buddhist sanctuary. Immerse yourself in the cultural treasures and spiritual wisdom preserved within its hallowed halls. Uncover the story of resilience and renewal...Read More
Dive into the rich tapestry of shamanism, from its ancient roots in diverse cultures to its modern variations. Uncover the transformative journey of shamans, the multifaceted roles they play, and the enduring spirit that persists in contemporary practices. Explore the intricate dance between Tibetan shamanism and Buddhism, showcasing the adaptability of these ancient beliefs. Join...Read More
Step into the sacred realm of Tibetan monasteries, where the Iron Rod Monk, colloquially known as Gekoe, symbolizes authority and enforces strict discipline. Clad in a heavy crimson cloak and wielding a square iron rod, the Gekoe walks among monks, creating a resonant sound that echoes the monastery's rigorous rules. Explore the ancient rules of...Read More
Discover the serenity of Trophug Monastery, the ancestral seat of the Kagyu tradition in Tibet. Founded in 1212, explore its architectural marvels, including the grand hall and Buddha hall. Immerse yourself in the captivating artistry of the monumental Shakyamuni Buddha statue and precious scriptures. Plan your visit to this spiritual haven at an elevation of...Read More
Discover the rich history and profound teachings of Sakya Monastery, a sacred Buddhist site nestled beneath Chongdu Benbo mountain in Sa'gya County, Tibet. Uncover the origins of the name "Sakya," delve into the historical roots from the 8th century, and trace the illustrious lineage of spiritual leaders who shaped this majestic hub of Tibetan Buddhism....Read More
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